Wellness and Life Coaching Practice

With Dr. Anne Creekmore

Access your authentic mission and learn mindfulness meditation to build inner peace and resiliency. Become a whole fulfilled person and enhance your mental faculties including your both right and left brain intuitive faculties and linear problem-solving skills. Learn how to shine your light to use your power of intention to create positive life outcomes. Heal emotional wounds of the past and create healthy relationships and healthy communication skills. Understand how your thoughts create your life and how to train them to be positive. Understand mind and body connections and how thought impacts. This Life Coach comes from a background as a licensed Clinical Psychologist and is familiar with treating mental health disorders including ADHD, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Grief, Complex PTSD, Anxiety, PTSD, etc.

** Wellness and life coaching services are an out of pocket expense and are not covered under insurance. **

A Few Words

About Dr. Anne

Dr. Creekmore graduated with high honors from Virginia Commonwealth University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and earned her doctorate through the Virginia Consortium of Professional Psychology, co-sponsored by the College of William and Mary, Eastern Virginia Medical School, and Old Dominion University. By the age of 26, she was a licensed clinical psychologist in Virginia.

She offers individual, couples, family, and group therapy and specializes in hypnosis, psychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults, as well as workshops on relationships, communication, and self-esteem. Her expertise extends to women’s and family issues, ADD/ADHD, allergies, stress-related conditions, chronic illness and pain, weight management, trauma, and grief resolution.

Through her practice, Dr. Creekmore provides a compassionate, integrative approach to therapy, blending scientific knowledge with deeper spiritual insights. Her life experiences—including profound personal challenges—have shaped her unique perspective, allowing her to help others heal, grow, and transform.